
March Guild Meeting: Becoming Guild-Website-Literate

Our March guild meeting is scheduled for 5:15 pm, Monday, March 16 at the Lewis and Clark Library. As we did for our February meeting, we have the computer lab scheduled from 6-8 for our evening's presentation, and we'll have dinner in that large conference room from 5:15 to 6:00 pm.

The Guild is providing the entire meal, including beverages. We'll eat in the large conference room off of the library's new lobby. Again, please do not bring your own beverages this time -- the library does not allow alcohol on the premises. The meal is on us!

Our February meeting was fantastic -- Bill Daigle did a great job of teaching us the basics of a simple, free CAD-like program, Sketchup. Maureen was scheduled to show us how to get around on Facebook and our guild website, but she was stricken with a nasty flu and wasn't able to make it. She'll be here at our March meeting to try it again.

Maureen will give us hands-on practice using the Guild's websites and Facebook network (left)

Basics to be covered by Maureen will include setting up online photo storage, uploading photos, setting up simple websites for members who do not have an online presence, and registering for your own Facebook page so that you can participate in the Guild's Facebook activities and announcements. Please consider checking this out even if you don't think you'll spend much time on Facebook or the guild's website. There are many ways you can make use of the Guild's online offerings, not only for participating in Guild activities, or to promote your woodworking hobbies or businesses. With your own web site or Facebook page, you can share your woodworking with your friends and families.

Please come -- we'd like to see a great turn-out. If you're not a member but want to know what we do, or how to use the internet to further your woodworking interests, you are welcome to attend.



You know you're a woodworker if

You cut yourself with a chisel and you’re more concerned about not getting blood on your workpiece than you are about the laceration.

You inexplicably find sawdust in your drawers. And I’m not talking about furniture.

You have dropped to your knees and looked beneath a table in a museum, a gallery, an historic home, or a friend’s house.

You cannot resist the temptation to lift the lid on a wooden box.

You can talk to your partner/spouse/significant other for HOURS about woodworking despite the glazed over look in his/her eyes.

You can spend an entire day in your shop, accomplish little if anything, and thoroughly enjoy it.

You know exactly where everything is in your shop....except for a pencil.

You have built more projects in your head than in actuality.

Your spouse/partner/lovedones/pets know not to bother you, and sometimes choose to run for cover, when you are gluing up a project.

You remove more splinters from your hands in a month than most people do in a lifetime.

You can correctly pronounce Padauk and Lignum Vitae.

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